Saturday, March 7, 2009

It's Saturday Night!

The meaning of "date night," has changed for Jeff and me over the past four months. With a new baby, we have spent most of our Saturday nights at home. However, this has been really fun! With a little imagination, we have come up with some creative ways to spend our date nights. This has been great thing for our budget too! I thought I would share some of our ideas.

#1 Jeff and I devoted one night to celebrating and re-creating our honeymoon at home. We made a Hawaain-themed dinner, watched our helicopter tour on DVD, and fell asleep to our ocean waves CD.

#2 Spa Night! Jeff drew me an amazing bubble bath complete with my favorite eucalyptus body bubbles. I always love Starbucks and getting a pedicure. So, we improvised a little by making iced coffee with french vanilla creamer at home. We took turns giving each other, mani/pedis, facials, and full body massages. What a relaxing night!

#3 Puzzle Time. We bought a glow in the dark puzzle of the Eifle Tower and sipped some wine while putting it together. With the TV turned off, this was a great way to enjoy some good conversation while exercising our brains.

#4 Home Improvement. Hoping to buy a home in 2009, Jeff and I spent our night watching HGTV and flipping through home design magazines. Ripping out what we would like to do someday in our first house was so much fun. It helped us get to know each others likes/dislikes in home decor.

#5 Go team! Routing for the Spartans is one of Jeff's all-time FAVORITE past times. With the occassional basketball game on Saturday night, this is the perfect reason for us to make some chips n' salsa and crack a beer. Matthew likes to share in the fun by "sporting" his MSU T and booties!


Rachael said...

J- these are awesome date ideas! Hope you don't mind if i steal one or two :) Steve and I love to have game nights and do fun things other than the dinner and a movie thing...we should totally double date on an economical date night sometime! I actually read in the GR press yesterday that it's now "cool" to save money :) I just love staying in. Going out reminds me of work.

Angie said...

Wow! Way to keep the romance alive.