Monday, May 10, 2010


Having two boys so close in age will no doubt present its challenges, but overall, I am happy that they are only 17 months apart. I love seeing how they interact with one another already.

When Jeffrey cries, Matthew comes to find me and pushes me towards him. He also tries to give Baby J his pacy, which is adorable. When Matthew shouts or laughs, J looks in his direction. It is so amazing to see their bond grow stronger each day.


patty said...

I think Matthew is the top picture, and Jeffrey is the bottom. Am I right? They have such a strong resemblance it's rather a hard call, even for a grammie!

patty said...

Ok, OK, I stand corrected by the father of these amazing boys. I thought as I looked at the top photo that the background was one of Jeffrey's MSU sweatshirts, which I knew he wore during the time Matthew was born.! But the likeness is so amazing!